Global Warming/ Global Climate Change/ Climate Disruption/ Whatever catch phrase Al Gore is using now

by Nilore Vagan on Apr.23, 2011,

Corruption at its best.

They take a few simple truths (like “Carbon Dioxide helps trap heat” and “Man-made machines produce Carbon Dioxide”), then twist it around to fit their needs. After sitting you down and trying to make you feel guilty for causing global warming, they offer you to buy ‘offsets’ as if such a thing would fix the problem. I pretty much stopped reading their site when they went ahead and said that “There is no debate on global warming; all scientists agree that the earth is warming up and agree that it’s man-made.” That’s not true; there’s quite a bit of debate about it, and nearly every scientist so far that says inconclusively that it’s strictly man-made, has been bought by some money-grabbing schemer who wants to make a profit off the whole ordeal. Use cleaner energy, cut back on gas use, sure, fine, that’s all great; but I’m not giving a cent to anyone for ‘offsets.’

These guys completely ignore that there have been forests who have been FLOURISHING because of carbon dioxide (after all, it’s what plants breath), they ignore that several of the glaciers that are melting are exposing ancient civilizations (Had to have been warm there at one point, if that’s the case), they say that “There’s more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than in the past 600,000 years!” … well, what about before then? They then go “Well yeah, it’s been warmer in the past, but it’s not like we were around then to record it, so we don’t really know.”

WHAT ABOUT YOUR 600,000 YEAR CARBON DIOXIDE CALCULATION? Was that just a guess, then?

These are probably the same people who whine and cry when the hole in the Ozone layer starts to heal because “Now there’s too much Ozone in the atmosphere!”

They completely ignore that other planets are warming up, too (The Sun is a tad more actively lately, part of the whole cycle thing, you know? Did you know that they claim the cycle is a myth?).

I’m not going to argue against cutting back on pollution. I’m not gonna argue that we produce carbon dioxide. What I’m arguing against is “All our weather problems are all your fault, so give us money and we’ll fix it!”


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